パリの東に位置するブルゴーニュ地方は、ワイン造りの伝統で有名です。この魅力的なワ インと美食の楽園への訪問者は、壮大な家具を備えた歴史的なシャトーから家族経営の魅力的なゲストハウスまで、豊富な宿泊施設を提供しています。家族や友人と一緒にフランスでの休暇の素晴らしい思い出を作りましょう。

This wine region area along the Rhine River, produces a variety of grapes both white and red, as well as sparkling wines and rosés from its diverse terroir, which includes a mix of microclimate soils and elevations, creating a wide range of wine styles to suit different preferences.

Rheingau is renowned for its exceptional Riesling wines, which express the unique characteristics of the region's terroir. These wines are prized for their balance, complexity, and age worthiness, making Rheingau a must visit destination for lovers of German white wines.

Mosel is renowned for its exquisite Riesling wines, which are widely considered among the finest white wines in the world. These wines showcase the unique terroir of the region and offer a diverse variety of options to cater to diverse tastes.